AskNow Psychic Reading Review

Updated: Mar 23, 2022


We spent hours researching to determine its most notable features, its pricing structure, and how it connects you with psychics available for psychic readings. Plus, we break down the pros and cons of using, how it stands out from the competition, and its Trustpilot customer reviews.

AskNow Overview

Since 2005, AskNow has connected more than 2.5 million people to their expert psychic advisors. It’s easy to see why this psychic reading online platform is so popular — AskNow has exceptionally high standards for the advisors that they allow to use their service, resulting in consistently positive customer experiences. 

Those high standards will cost you, though. The lowest rate you’ll find on this platform is $4.99 per minute, which is a few dollars more than the minimum rate for most other providers. Also, the only way to connect with advisors on AskNow is through phone or text chat. Email and video chat options are unavailable. 

Notable Features

AskNow Psychic Reading Features
Service Offerings The psychic advisors on this platform offer a variety of different tools and methods, including astrology, numerology, tarot reading, and dream analysis. AskNow provides a free daily horoscope as well.
Specialties Some psychics on AskNow specialize in areas such as Love & Relationships or Money & Finance. Also, in addition to helping you with specific issues, there are psychics on this platform who can take on a more comprehensive advisory role as a Life Coach or Spiritual Guide
Reading Format As mentioned above, the available options for connecting with AskNow’s psychic advisors are relatively limited. You can only reach them by phone or text chat.
Psychics There are 77 psychics available on AskNow. That’s fewer than the number of advisors on most other platforms, but this isn’t too surprising considering how selective this provider is — applicants are screened, tested, and handpicked by AskNow’s Psychic Managers. Only a small fraction of those who apply are approved.

How AskNow Works

When you’re looking for a psychic advisor on AskNow, you’ll be able to filter your search by factors such as availability (available, busy, or away), reading type (phone or chat), and the categories that the psychics specialize in (astrology readings, numerology, past lives, etc.). You can also go to the Psychic Spotlight section of their site to jump directly to the most well-reviewed advisors that AskNow has to offer. Psychic Reading Review

Each psychic advisor profile contains information such as their per-minute rate, total number of readings, years of experience, zodiac sign, and specialties. There’s also a calendar section that shows you exactly when they are available over the next week. 

If the advisor happens to be online when you first land on their profile, you may be able to connect with them immediately. If they’re offline, you can schedule a chat with them for later. Psychic Reading Review

AskNow also offers a mobile app for iOS devices, which makes it especially easy to use their platform when you’re away from home. There’s no app available for Android devices, though.

If you ever need to reach customer support, you can email [email protected] or call 1-800-660-1922. You may be able to save some time by finding the solution to your problem yourself on AskNow’s FAQ Page

AskNow Pricing

Each of the psychic advisors on this platform fall into one of three categories:

AskNow Pricing
Top-Rated Advisors With AskNow’s rigorous screening process, even the newest advisors on the site are highly skilled and experienced. This is the most affordable tier of advisors available, and they charge $4.99 to $9.99 per minute.
Elite Advisors Once they’ve gained some experience on the platform and received positive customer feedback, advisors can advance to the Elite tier. They charge $10 to $12.99 per minute.
Master Advisors As the most experienced and well-reviewed psychics on the platform, Master Advisors are also the most expensive. They charge $13 per minute and up.

AskNow’s Introductory Package provides you with an affordable way to try out their services. With this plan, you can purchase either 20 minutes for $20 or 30 minutes for $30. While those minutes can only be used for Top-Rated Advisors, the Introductory Package also includes five free minutes that can be used for Elite Advisors or Master Advisors. 

AskNow Customer Reviews

AskNow has 19 reviews and a score of 3.0 out of 5 on TrustPilot. The positive reviews single out some of their Master Advisors, such as Devin Starlight and Medium Jozette, as being especially helpful. But the negative reviews indicate that not all of their advisors are as reliable as those top performers — if you choose to use this service, you should probably opt for one of their more established psychics. 

Things to consider before consulting a psychic

It’s good to know that this psychic reading online platform thoroughly screens their advisors, but you should still be on the lookout for fraud. There are a lot of scammers out there who claim to be psychics but are only interested in separating you from your hard-earned money. Once you are aware of the most common red flags, you’ll be able to find a psychic advisor who can truly help you improve your personal relationships, career, or whatever else it is that you need assistance with.