California Psychics Psychic Reading Review

Updated: Mar 23, 2022


We spent hours researching to determine its most notable features, its pricing structure, and how it connects you with psychics available for psychic readings. Plus, we break down the pros and cons of using, how it stands out from the competition, and its Trustpilot customer reviews.

California Psychics Overview

To ensure that their psychics are skilled and experienced, California Psychics is highly selective about the advisors that they allow to use their service. Also, in addition to quality, this psychic reading online platform offers a lot of value with their volume-based discounts.

But if you want to connect with psychics over video chat, you’ll need to find another provider — California Psychics only offers phone and text chat options.

Notable Features

California Psychics Features
Service Offerings There are a wide range of services available on this platform, including astrology, numerology, tarot reading, and much more. They also offer daily, monthly, and yearly horoscopes as well as a free birth chart calculator.
Specialties available who specialize in helping their clients find lost objects.
Reading Format The reading format options on California Psychics are somewhat limited, as you can only connect to advisors over voice or text chat. There are no email or video chat options available.
Psychics Over 300 psychics are available on this platform. As mentioned above, California Psychics maintains a rigorous screening process — those who apply must pass two phone evaluations and a background check before they are approved. Fewer than 10% of applicants are able to make it through this screening process.

How California Psychics Works

California Psychics provides you with several ways to filter your search for an advisor, such as price, topics (romantic relationships, past lives, etc.), tools (tarot cards, crystals, etc.), and reading style (inspirational, compassionate, or straightforward). Psychic Reading Review

There are also collection pages such as Customer Favorites and Staff Picks that you can use to find a psychic. Yet another option is to ask one of their customer service representatives for a recommendation — as part of their training, each rep has had readings with multiple psychics on the platform. 

Each psychic advisor profile displays their current status (online, busy, or offline), average rating, customer reviews, appointment schedule, and other important details. If they’re busy, you’ll also be able to see how many people are in the queue and the estimated wait time. 

If an advisor is online and available, you can connect with them immediately. Otherwise, you can use the calendar tool to schedule an appointment for later. Psychic Reading Review

It can be difficult to navigate the California Psychics website on a mobile browser. Thankfully, there’s a mobile app available that makes it much easier to use this platform on a smartphone or tablet. This app is available for both Android and iOS devices. 

To reach customer support, call (213) 810-9037. 

California Psychics Pricing

Advisors on California Psychics set their own rates, which range from $4 to $15 per minute. 

You can also get a discount by purchasing at least 20 minutes in advance. But the downside to this deal is that you don’t get to pick your psychic — an advisor will be assigned by California Psychics. If you have a bad experience, though, you can be reassigned to another psychic as long as you submit your complaint within 24 hours of the conversation. 

The table below breaks down the details of these 20-minute packages:

California Psychics Pricing
Affordable ($1 per minute) Popular ($2 per minute) Premium ($4 per minute)
Pool of 350+ psychics Pool of 70+ psychics Pool of 70+ psychics
Regular rate of $4 to $5 per minute Regular rate of $6.50 per minute Regular rate of $7.50 to $8.50 per minute
3 to 5 years of experience 5 to 15 years of experience 10+ years of experience
Average rating of at least 3.6 stars Average rating of at least 4.2 stars Average rating of at least 4.6 stars
At least 200 positive customer reviews At least 700 positive customer reviews At least 1,200 positive customer reviews

California Psychics Customer Reviews

California Psychics has 160 reviews and a score of 2.2 out of 5 on Trustpilot. Of course, your experience will depend on which psychic you select, and this is reflected in the fact that California Psychics has received nearly as many one-star reviews (these ratings make up 24% of their Trustpilot feedback) as five-star reviews (31%). For every disappointed customer who felt their reading was too vague or inaccurate, there’s a customer who found their experience to be truly enlightening. 

Things to consider before consulting a psychic

This psychic reading online platform’s rigorous screening process is one of its best features, but you should still keep your guard up. It’s common for scammers to pretend to be psychics for monetary gain. If you haven’t already, educate yourself — by learning about the dangers of using a psychic or medium, you’ll be able to avoid scams and find an advisor who can provide the help you need.