Lithomancy and Crystallomancy

Written by: Grace Duong - Published: Apr 28, 2022


Throwing stones on a cloth might sound like a strange way to answer your questions or predict the future, and gazing into a crystal ball has often been used as a psychic stereotype and something people scoff at. However, clairvoyants actually still use these ancient tools today to enhance their intuition and psychic vision. This guide details what to know about lithomancy and crystallomancy, how they work, and where to get your own reading.

What is Lithomancy?

Lithomancy is a divination technique involving charms or talismans made out of any kind of normal or precious stone. The stones often have symbols painted or inscribed on their surfaces, and each one holds a different meaning. Historically, lithomancy has been used to predict the future or aid in decision-making, and today psychic practitioners use it alongside other divinatory practices like tarot card readings. 

Pearls and rocks on blanket

How does lithomancy work?

Similar to other forms of divination, lithomancy is generally used to answer questions. These can be questions about the past, present, or future and the practice can even be used to answer practical yes or no questions. Each stone is given its own meaning and symbolism either through the color of the stone itself, a symbol inscribed on it, or a combination of the two.

People who practice lithomancy have at least a few stones that they use to perform readings for themselves and others. Some people prefer to deal simplistically with their stones and work with very few that are used for yes, no, or maybe questions, whereas others have a complex system of symbolism and meaning attached to each individual stone in their collection. There are a few different ways people perform lithomancy readings, but here are some examples of commonly used approaches:

  • Simple:

    Although most divination practices encourage people not to ask binary yes or no questions, lithomancy is a tool that can be used for simple and straightforward answers. To get an answer, someone could designate a few stones to mean yes, no, or maybe. A fourth stone could be used as a signifier to represent the person asking the question. The question is asked while the querent holds the stones. The stones are cast down on a cloth, and the answer stone(s) that land closest to the signifier stone reveals the answer to the question.

  • Complex:

    Another way stones are used to divine information is through a more detailed, intuitive, and symbolic manner. Many people like to use 13 or more stones for these types of readings. Using a larger set of stones, the practitioner will have assigned a detailed meaning for each one. Again, the person holding the stones will ask a question. The stones are then dropped onto a cloth or plate to reveal the answer. How the stones land, where they accumulate, and how they lie in relationship to each other will provide a detailed answer for the querent.

  • Grid:

    A third way lithomancy can be practiced is with the use of a grid, circle, or patterned layout. Often printed or drawn on a piece of paper, the stones are cast upon the grid or within the designated area to be read. Each stone will land within a particular box or section that holds its own meaning outside of the symbolism within the stone itself. This method gives an even more detailed way of asking a question and understanding the context and depth of the answer.

What is Crystallomancy?

Crystallomancy is a method of divination used to see into the future or channeling induced by a trance-like state. The practitioner reaches this meditative state of mind by gazing into the highly reflective surface of a glass or crystal ball for an uninterrupted period of time. Although it’s traditional to use an actual rock crystal to perform crystallomancy, some people opt to use a flawless glass sphere as glass tends to be a more affordable and accessible option.

Historically, crystallomancy has been used to predict the future or invoke spirits, but it can also be used, like other divinatory practices, to make decisions, answer questions, and analyze an individual’s character. In ancient times, crystallomancy, or scrying, was also performed with a pool of ink or water, a mirror, or any other kind of reflective and transparent object.

How does crystallomancy work?

Before attempting to perform a crystallomancy reading, practitioners often take time to cleanse their ball and meditate, entering into a calm state of focus. This helps to clear their mind and ready themselves to use their intuition during the reading. The seer then sets their gaze upon the center of the crystal ball, just beyond the surface. Their eyes may begin to shift focus in and out while they softly hold their gaze on the ball. It’s a commonly reported occurrence that a soft milky cloud will begin to form within the ball, setting the stage for shapes and shadows to emerge from the mist. The seer begins to take note of any objects, figures, or symbols that stand out to them. Using their intuition, they then interpret the meaning of the images they see and the feelings they begin to perceive. 

Although many psychics use crystal balls to answer questions that their clients may have, they can also use this gazing technique to enhance their psychic ability. The act of focusing their gaze into the reflective, distorted surface of the ball can help them clear their mind and prepare for interacting with their clients. The ball gives them a point of focus and a way to enter more easily into a trance-like state, enabling them to perform their readings in a higher state of psychic awareness.

People using cards

How Much Does a Lithomancy Reading or Crystallomancy Reading Cost?

Lithomancy and cleromancy readings are usually services offered by psychics. Many practitioners today operate online through psychic websites that have created a platform for all kinds of readings. Most of these websites operate on a call system that charges on a per-minute basis. Rates can vary as much as $1 per minute up to $15 per minute. Price is usually determined based on the demand for the psychic and the kind of reputation they have. 

Although most psychics offer these services online now, there are some who still provide in-person readings or operate through their own website for a flat rate. Meeting a psychic for a lithomancy or crystallomancy reading usually costs between $50 to $200. You may find rates outside of this range as well — pricing varies from site to site and practitioner to practitioner, and the amount you pay for your reading will depend on your specific situation. 

Find a Lithomancy or Crystallomancy Reading Near You

Psychics who use divination tools like crystallomancy or lithomancy can be found online through large psychic directory websites and social media pages but also in-person in psychic storefronts and metaphysical shops. A quick local search for “crystal ball reading” or “crystal reading” is one way to find psychics who may offer in-person services. 

Always be sure to read reviews or ratings online before booking a reading with a psychic. Scams do exist and people looking to commit fraud will use the title of psychic or clairvoyant to con people out of their money. If something seems off or you feel like you’re being manipulated, use caution and never give out your personal information.