Psychic Source Psychic Reading Review

Updated: Mar 24, 2022


We spent hours researching to determine its most notable features, its pricing structure, and how it connects you with psychics available for psychic readings. Plus, we break down the pros and cons of using, how it stands out from the competition, and its Trustpilot customer reviews.

Psychic Source Overview

Do you prefer to meet with psychic advisors face-to-face over video chat, or would you rather just talk to them over the phone? Psychic Source has you covered either way, and they offer a text chat option as well. Another bonus to using this service is Psychic Source’s Kindness Initiative — at no additional cost to you, 1% of your purchases will be given to charities such as Paws With A Cause and the National Center for Housing & Child Welfare. So far, Psychic Source has donated over $700,000 through this program. 

If you’re concerned about your budget, though, you should know that there are several less expensive options than Psychic Source available (the lowest rate you’ll find here is $4.99 per minute).

Notable Features

Psychic Source Features
Service Offerings The services available on this platform include astrology, numerology, crystals, tarot card reading, angel card reading, and much more. Also, Psychic Source offers a free daily horoscope.
Specialties Some of the advisors on Psychic Source specialize in areas such as family relationships or careers/finance. If you’re interested in unlocking your own psychic abilities, there are advisors available who can help you with that as well. 
Reading Format As mentioned above, you can connect with the psychics on this platform through text, voice, or video chat. But you should keep in mind that the advisors are able to set their own availability, so any particular psychic may only use one or two of those options. 
Psychics There are over 300 advisors available on Psychic Source. Before applicants are able to join the platform, they must first complete a one-way, recorded video interview. If the Psychic Source team approves of their responses to the interview questions, applicants will then need to perform  test psychic readings with Psychic Source staff to earn their final approval./td>

How Psychic Source Works

Psychic Source’s advanced filtering options make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for. Specifically, these filtering options include:

Kasamba Features
Specialties Clairvoyant, Energy Healing, Pet Psychic, etc.
Subjects Relationships & Family, Career & Finance, Destiny & Meaning, or Loss & Grieving
Tools Consider bringing a notebook with you during your reading with some specific questions to ask your psychic. It can also come in handy to take notes on all the information you don’t want to forget.
Reading Style Compassionate, Direct, Expressive, Thoughtful, or Wise

There are also several options for sorting the results of your search, including price, availability, and star rating. Psychic Reading Review

In each advisor profile, you’ll find information such as their per-minute rates, availability, and customer reviews. If the advisor is busy or offline, you can use the calendar tool to schedule an appointment for later. Psychic Reading Review

The Psychic Source mobile app, which is available for both Android and iOS devices, allows you to easily use this psychic reading online platform while you’re away from your home computer. You can also set up the app to send you alerts when your favorite psychics are online, you have an appointment coming up soon, etc. 

If you ever run into an issue, Psychic Source provides you with several ways to find a solution. First of all, you may be able to find the answer yourself on their FAQ page. Otherwise, you can submit a support ticket or reach out to their live support chat.

Psychic Source Pricing

The advisors on Psychic Source set their own rates, so the cost of this service will depend on who you select. The most affordable advisors charge $4.99 per minute, while some of their top performers charge as much as $18.99 per minute.

With Psychic Source’s introductory offer, new users can book time with an advisor at a rate of just $1 per minute for up to 30 minutes (you’ll also get three additional minutes for free). Psychic Source offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee as well — if you weren’t happy with your last paid psychic reading, it’s absolutely free. 

Psychic Source Customer Reviews

On Trustpilot, this psychic reading online platform has 24 reviews and a score of 2.4 out of 5. It is concerning that most of the customers who left reviews reported that their readings were either vague or inaccurate. That said, there were also customers who singled out particular advisors on Psychic Source, such as Sammie and Serenity, as being especially helpful. 

Things to consider before consulting a psychic

It’s comforting to know that Psychic Source has a rigorous screening process for their advisors, but you should still keep an eye out for scammers. Indeed, there are several well-known warning signs that you can use to identify someone who is only pretending to be a psychic in order to make some money. Once you’re aware of these red flags, you’ll be able to find an advisor who is truly interested in helping you.