Palm Reading

Written by: Grace Duong - Updated: Jul 18, 2022


Have you ever wondered what the lines in your hands mean? Each line and bump holds meaning, according to palm readers. This ancient practice is a popular divination tool that leans less on intuition and more on interpretation. Palm reading is more than life lines and love lines. Although you’re unlikely to divine the future from the lines in your hands, you may just learn something new about yourself. In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about the elements, lines, mounts, and plains of the palm.

What is Palm Reading?

When you sit for a palm reading, the palmist’s job is to interpret the lines and shapes that make up your hand. Within your palm’s textures and physical characteristics, the reader can gain information about your personality traits, unique tendencies, and even life events yet to come. However, this isn’t considered a psychic practice. Palm reading has less to do with intuition and more with traversing the geography of your hand and relaying the objective information found.

The History of Palm Reading

Palm reader

It’s a widely accepted theory that the origins of chiromancy (palm reading) trace to  northern India. Palmistry then made its way across cultures from China, through the Middle East, and on to Egypt. It gained popularity in ancient Greece when the Greek philosopher Aristotle took an interest in palm reading and shared his discoveries with Alexander the Great, who was one of his pupils. Palmistry has maintained its reputation throughout the years and into the present day.

The Four Elements


Fire hands are identified by their long palms, short fingers, and deep creases. They often have many more lines than most, creating a somewhat sporadic pattern on the palm. People with fire hands are achievers. Driven by their passion, they enjoy a busy day full of productivity. They also enjoy physical activity. Some common characteristics associated with the fire element include:

  • Passion
  • Warmth
  • Confidence
  • Creativity
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness


Earth hands have square palms, short fingers, and fewer deep-set lines. These hands are often solid and compact. Those with the earth palm element are down-to-earth, stable individuals who prefer practical plans over wishful thinking. They like to complete a good day’s work and prefer not to waste their time or money on frivolous activities. Here are some character traits often associated with the earth element in palm reading:

  • Hardworking
  • Logical
  • Reliable
  • Loyal
  • Headstrong
  • Blunt


Air hands have long, straight fingers with square-shaped palms. The knuckles and joints are prominent and any lines or creasing is average. Individuals with air hands are visionaries. They spend a lot of time in their heads planning, conceptualizing, and analyzing. Logic is their greatest tool as they navigate the world asking why and how things work. Some common air element qualities include:

  • Intellectual
  • Curious
  • Rational
  • Fair
  • Aloof
  • Inattentive


Water hands have long bony fingers and long palms, and their lines and creases tend to be light and sketchy. Water hands are the intuitive and emotional type, relying on their empathy and compassion in social settings. They have great intuition and tend to possess psychic abilities, and creativity and imagination drive their emotional process. Here’s a list of some common water element character traits:

  • Nurturing
  • Intuitive
  • Compassionate
  • Spiritual
  • Sensitive
  • Impractical

Mounts and Plains

The raised areas of your palm are called mounts and the flat area in the center is the plain. Each mount or plain corresponds to an area of life—be it social, emotional, physical, and so on. In general, a large and prominent mount indicates an individual spends a lot of time and energy on that area of life, whereas flatter mounts suggest less enthusiasm or care in that category. These shapes will determine what details the palmist can tell you about yourself. 

Mount of Apollo

At the base of the ring finger lies the mount of Apollo, named after the Roman god of the sun. This mount is associated with one’s relationship to creativity, professional success, personal style, and optimism. 

A prominent mount depicts an individual who likes all eyes on them. They’re extroverted and sometimes over the top. Excessive spending and eating are two of the more negative aspects associated with a large mount of Apollo.

A flat mount would suggest someone who is more of an introvert. Their style and living would reflect a minimalist lifestyle, with little concern for showing off material possessions. They tend to be humble and frugal people.

Mount of Luna

Located near the base of the hand under the pinky finger is the mount of Luna. This mount is named after the Roman moon goddess and reveals how a person handles emotions, imagination, and intuition. 

A large mount of Luna indicates an individual who enjoys giving and receiving emotional support. They are easily inspired and have a strong inventive imagination, finding success with a creative business. However, they can be prone to idealism and fantasizing.

A flatter mount of Luna portrays a realistic person who is more grounded. They are not so quick to trust their emotions and would rather go with their gut instinct. Also, they may struggle in areas such as imagination and compassion.

Mount of Mercury

Just under the pinky finger, you will find the mount of Mercury. This mount is linked to communication, business interactions, and all things social. It also relates to the mind, specifically with one’s wit and strategy.

Teachers, writers, and entrepreneurs are most likely to have a prominent Mercury mount. They are charismatic and outgoing, and they love to socialize. They  can have a tendency for self-importance and self-centeredness.

A less prominent mount may suggest someone who is quiet and introverted, tending to shy away from social interactions. They have less of a drive for business-related roles and may experience anxiety in these situations.

Mount of Venus

The mount of Venus is the large padded area directly below the thumb. This mount corresponds to expressing emotion and affection, allowing palmists to gain insight into your love life and your personal well-being. 

Large and round Venus mounts indicate a sociable, friendly, affectionate person. There may be high libido, generosity, and attractiveness present as well. These people will have high energy levels.

A flat mount of Venus suggests a lack of energy physically and in this area of life altogether. There may be physical tiredness present in the life of this person that is affecting their ability to show affection and engage in a relationship.

Mount of Jupiter

Beneath the index finger is the mount of Jupiter. This mount can even extend into the space beneath the middle finger. It’s tied to the ego, religion, pride, and self-confidence.

A prominent mount of Jupiter can indicate a confident individual with high ambition and leadership skills. They are motivated to get the work done, though their self-confidence can lead to an overly bossy nature that comes off as arrogant and domineering. 

A flat mount can show up in the form of low self-esteem, self-worth, or self-confidence. They would rather stay in the background than lead. 

Mount of Saturn

The mount of Saturn lies just under the middle finger. This mount corresponds to boundaries, integrity, rationality, wisdom, and limitations. 

Someone with a large and prominent Saturn mount may tend toward pessimism and melancholy. They may hold many responsibilities in their life and feel the weight of their obligations more than others.

This area tends to be flat or only slightly padded in most palms. A smaller or flat Saturn mound depicts an individual with common sense, self-control, and strong character. They may have a love for philosophy and exhibit natural wisdom.

Mount of Mars

There are two Mars mounts located on either side of the plain of Mars. These mounts are associated with physical courage, boldness, vitality, and action. 

A full or enlarged inner or outer Mars would suggest someone who aspires to be the head of an organization or a leader of sorts. It can also be the sign of someone who is daring and loves to push the limit. 

Conversely, a flattened inner or outer Mars mount depicts someone who is passive and non-confrontational. They would rather someone make decisions for them, and they may have a hard time dealing with stressful situations. 

Plain of Mars

The plain of Mars occupies the center of the palm. It’s the flat, cuplike depression in the middle of your hand. This area is interpreted not necessarily by its prominence or flatness but by the five main lines that run through it: head, heart, life, sun, and fate lines. The plain of Mars gives detail on how you handle daily life, all written out in the lines that intersect in this section.

Reading Lines

Head line

The head line is the crease that extends horizontally across the palm, starting between the thumb and index finger and usually ending just past the middle of the hand. This line can give the palmist a window into your mind, detailing how you think about things and how you make decisions. If your head line is straight, this can indicate you are a rational thinker. If it’s curvy, you may use a more creative approach.

Heart line

Usually the highest horizontal line, the heart line runs from the pinky side of the hand and is either straight or curved and may extend up toward the middle and/or index fingers. This crease is also called the love line as it relates to relationships, romance, and sexuality. A curved heart line belongs to a passionate person who shows love through their actions. Someone with a straight heart line may not be as inclined to share their feelings and emotions.

Life line

The life line can begin anywhere in the space between the index finger and thumb, curving around the mount of Venus, extending down toward the bottom of the palm. Although this line does not tell you how long or short your life will be, it can offer insight into your quality of life. A long life line is indicative of a traditional familial lifestyle, whereas a short life line depicts a more unconventional free-spirited approach to life. 

Sun line

Also known as Apollo’s line, the sun line corresponds to fame, success, and fulfillment. Apollo the Roman god ruled all things arts, music, and dance. Palms with a well-defined sun line often belong to individuals engaging in some kind of positive creative activity.

This vertical line rises from the top of the mount of Luna and can appear within the mount of Apollo. It can be difficult to identify as this line is commonly fragmented. The longer the line, the more likely an individual is to find fulfillment and fame through their creative expression.  

Fate line

The fate line is also called the career line or the line of destiny. It runs vertically along the center of the palm and often is broken into segments. Complete lines are rare but still possible and some people may not even have a fate line. This line can tell you about the direction of your life and/or career path. Breaks in the line can signify changes in lifestyle, a new job, or a time of uncertainty. Unbroken lines suggest someone knows who they are and what their purpose is.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • question
    What kind of questions can I answer with palm reading?

    During a palm reading, the palm reader will often ask about what you’re wanting to know in relation to your palms or your life. It’s best to stay away from questions about the future, as this is not an inherently psychic or fortune-telling practice. The palmist can tell you about your hands as they are now. What they can do is inform you about patterns they see or what is likely to happen depending on what they learn from you and your palms. 

  • question
    How much do palm readings cost?

    Pricing can vary greatly depending on who you hire and how long your reading is. Some psychic websites offer online palm reading, which can be performed over video chat or by uploading an image of your palm. These practitioners will charge by the minute, anywhere from $1 to $30 per minute. If you’re seeing someone in person or through their own personal website, you can expect to pay $75 to $150 for an hour-long session.